Night at South Park

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We decided to take a picnic to South Park to let Abby play at the park. We stopped at KFC and got fried chicken to go to eat at the park. We found a great spot that wasn’t being used. The playground with pavilion we usually go to was being used by a party. We didn’t really think about the fact it was Saturday in the summer and there would be parties at most of the pavilions. We were able to find a pavilion with a playground surrounded by trees. It was great because it was wonderfully shaded so both kids to be out and enjoy the weather without getting over heated. We had so much fun and Zach enjoyed looking at the trees and being outside. There were three memorable things that happened while at the park that I want to go into more detail about.

First, Abby rode the swings. We have been trying to encourage her to pump the swing on her own. We pushed her to start her off and then told her the pump her legs up and down. We kept saying up, down,up, down. She started doing it and was able to keep the swing going for a little while without being pushed by either of us. She only did it for a little bit before she got tired of trying and just wanted pushed. We are so proud of her.

Secondly, while we were at the park Abby used the porta-potty for the first time. I was amazed how easily she used it. I would have thought she would not have wanted to use it since the potty part is so open and you can see what other people have left. She did comment on how someone had pooped in there. I was so proud of her. She went on the potty instead of having an accident.

Lastly, when we were leaving the park she picked up a small rock from the ground to keep. She loves rocks.  We started to drive home and all of a sudden she said, “Stuck in my nose.” Immediately Dave pulled over and I went back to see if the rock was in her nose. Sure enough she had stuck this small rock up one side of her nose. Why oh why would she do that? Luckily it wasn’t too far up that I was able to work it out by pushing it from the outside and once it was starting to show I pulled it out. No doctor’s visit needed. Needless to say we will not be allowing Abby to pick up anymore little rocks and taking them with her due to this.

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