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Here is a collection and some of Abby’s favorite sayings at 3 years old.

“You can be Ariel and I will be flounder.”

“Sing like Ariel.”

When Abby is mad she says, “You’re not being my friend.” or “I won’t be your friend if you are doing….”

“I can’t do it!”

“I want to watch a movie.”

If Mommy or Daddy tells her no to something she will often say, depending on who told her no, “Daddy said I could.” I love it when she says, “Zach said I could.” Mind you Zach is 6 1/2 months old and can’t say anything more than, “Uh”, “Bah, bah, bah”, “Mmmm”, and other little sounds or screams.

Abby loves to make up names for people if she doesn’t know them like, Eacher. They never sounds like real names, but just a collection of sounds.

You can catch Abby singing to herself. “If you be my friend.” or like Ariel, “Aa-a-aah, a-a-ah.”

Abby takes a vitamin every morning. She calls it a “bitamin”.

Abby has unfortunately gotten in the habit of when we say, don’t hit the cat (or something like that) she will say, “I wasn’t.” How do you teach a 3 year old what a lie is and how do you get her to stop?


“Bana” for banana

“Red stop, green go, yellow slow down.”

“Say weeeee” There is a small hill on the road that comes down to our road and she loves saying weee as she goes down it. She also wants you to say it too and gets upset if you don’t.

“Daddy go faster.” Whenever we are driving she likes to tell Dave to drive faster and we have to explain to her that either we are already going the speed limit or there are other cars in the way.

When she is hungry she will often say, “My belly hurts.”

She is very proud of herself when she zips her coat up or puts her shoes on, “I can do it.”

“Read me a book.” When we put her to bed at night we always read her at least one book, unless it is really late, and no matter how many books we have read she always says, “One more.”

When she is eating sometimes we have to encourage her to finish eating. We will tell her take 2 more bites. She says, “No, five more.” I don’t think she really understands that means she has to eat more than I told her.

Here are some Dave wrote down from about 6 months ago:

“Salt and pecker”

“Fight? I fight with daddy all the time. He puts me in time out and I cry.”

One day while watching The Little Mermaid: Ariel says, “Have you ever seen anything so wonderful?” Flounder says, “What is it?” Abby answers, ” It’s a fork! It’s a fork Ariel!”


One Response to “Abbyisms”

  1. Grammy says:

    I love the Abbyisms! It’s great to save all those funny expressions. When she’s older, you can read them to her on her birthdays and both get a good laugh (like we do, Rachel, when I get out your baby book). As far as the lies, you could say “I saw you do it – just agree with me and let’s make it right.”