Zach at 8 months

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Zach is now 8 months old. He is 22lbs. 12 oz. One nice thing about Zach being sick so often (daycare…yuck) is we always know his weight within a few ounces. Anyways…

Zach seems to have grown up so much this past month. He now has 2 teeth, which are the bottom 2 teeth. He has now had rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, pears,and peaches. We will be giving him apple sauce and bananas in the next week. Zach also had some “real” food. He had a waffle. He loved gumming and sucking on it. He ate the whole piece we gave him. We will probably start giving him other finger food like puffs.

Zach is an accomplished roller and can now move himself all over the place. He can also turn himself on this belly to change which way he is rolling. In the last week he has started to  get up on his knees and rocking. He is getting ready to crawl. I expect he will start doing this in the next couple weeks. We think Zach’s best motivation will be our cat, Draco. He loves to watch him and whenever Draco goes by Zach tries to touch him.

Zach is also so noisy. He is always “talking”, whether it is happy or upset he just loves making noise. He has started to really make noise with his body as well. He is trying to clap his hands. He still needs work on that because he usually has one in a fist and one open, but he loves to try. He also loves to tap his hands on everything. He especially likes tables and Mommy and Daddy’s hands. He is good at patty cake with Mommy.

Zach and Abby got to spend a whole week this past month with Grammy and Aunt Becky. They came down for Becky’s winter break and the kids stayed home with them instead of going to daycare. It was a great week. They both were good for Grammy and Aunt Becky.

Lastly, Zach was sick again this past week. He had a double ear infection and was wheezing again. After getting a chest x-ray (came back normal) and talking with the pediatrician Zach will be starting what is called Pulmicort. It is an inhaled steroid. It uses the same machine as his previous breathing treatments when he’s been sick.This is to help keep Zach out of the doctor’s office and help stop his wheezing when he gets sick. He will have to do these breathing treatments twice a day everyday until the winter season is over. Then he will most likely, depending on how he does, move to just once a day. We will have to wait and see how he does for the rest of the winter season and see what the pediatrician has to say at his next appointment.

One Response to “Zach at 8 months”

  1. Grammy says:

    Yes, it was really fun to be with Abby and Zach during Becky’s February school break! I loved reading books to Abby, even if she picked the long ones like “The Story about Ping” and “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel” which her Mom liked when she was little. Hope Zach is feeling better soon!