Tribute to Crazy Weather

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So, weather is just crazy around here this week. It has been mildly cold all this week. We had to get out the warmer coats, but never did I expect what happened on Saturday.

Let me start with Friday. Friday was Abby’s Halloween parade and party at her school. She got to dress up in her Halloween costume and march around her school with her other classmates. Then they had a party in their classroom. Abby got tons of candy already from her party and there is still trick or treating tomorrow night. The weather for the parade was cool, but not terrible. The kids were still able to march outside and not completely freeze, depending on your costume of course. There were some that looked pretty cold in their costumes.

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Then on Saturday we woke up not expecting the site we saw out our bedroom window. That’s right folks, snow! I couldn’t believe how much had accumulated. We were expecting a mix of rain and snow, but what we got was big wet flakes of snow. By the time we got up there was already a blanket of snow on the ground.
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We had breakfast, fresh made waffles, and were planning on heading into the hospital with the kids to see Matt. One of our neighbors kids was outside playing in the snow. It was dense enough and enough on the ground that she was rolling a large ball like part of a snowman. Abby of course wanted to go out with her and play. Despite Dave and I not really wanting to deal with the whole get the kids ready to play in the snow thing we of course couldn’t deny her. I went down to the basement and got my wonderful thrift store finds, snow pants, boots, and winter coats. Abby was easy to get into her stuff, but of course Zach didn’t want to put anything on. I think he would go out in just a diaper if we let him and be absolutely fine.

Once outside everyone had a blast. Snowballs were made and thrown, snow angles appeared to great us and welcome the snow, and of course a sled was pulled out of the shed. Weeee!
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Today the snow pretty much melted all away and I hope it gets a little warmer for trick or treating tomorrow, but if not we will put our long underwear on.

One Response to “Tribute to Crazy Weather”

  1. Grammy says:

    I love Abby’s costume – Happy Halloween! The snow looks like fun for Abby and Zach! We didn’t get any in Rochester.