Posts Tagged ‘Zach’

High-speed video slide show! (or “Pummelvision”)

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I ran across this neat online tool a few weeks ago called Pummelvision that will create a video of any selection of your photos from various online photo repositories and throw a simple, energetic beat soundtrack on it.  It is no more than a photo slide show, but it is done at high speed, which encourages you to use more photos than you would use in a traditional photo slide show.

This can give a really neat effect, showing a lot of the things you have done over time.  Obviously, you can choose specific photo sets for particular effect, whether that is a kid-based slide show (of a specific year, age, school-year, project, all birthdays, etc.) or a specific vacation, or a style of photography that you have done…  Like I said, no different than any slide show you can make yourself, but like many things available online these days, it is a fast & easy tool to create something that may just have an emotional impact.

Here is the “Pummelvision” of my entire Flickr photo stream from the beginning through February 2, 2011.  Check it out, and feel free to add links to your own slide show videos (of any sort, from anywhere, doesn’t need to be Pummelvision) in the comments.

Note 1: If you are reading this in an e-mail, please click on the title of the post (High-speed video slide show! (or “PummelVision”)) to watch the video in your web browser.

Note 2: If you have any quality issues or problems viewing the video, try clicking through to the original video here: Pummelvision of all Flickr photos through 2011-02-02

Wordless Wednesday

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Fishy Face!
Zach says, 'Here you go, Daddy!'
'Take my picture with my eyes closed, Daddy!'
Playing 'Knock the tower down' with Zach

Zach loves trees

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Not a long post, but I wanted to record this to make sure we remember it.

Zach LOVES trees!  From when he was very little (a few weeks old), leaves blowing in the wind would always catch his eye, and he would just stare & stare at them, and smile at them as they blew in the wind.  He loves looking out the window of the car at trees we are passing.

We have a Japanese Maple in our front yard, right next to our steps & path to the front door.  Even without leaves on it (since it is winter), he loves looking at it as we pass it on our way into the house, and usually smiles at it.

He loves trees.  I hope he keeps this love as he grows, and I hope I remember to help him keep this love alive; I’ll gladly sit outside on the ground with him admiring trees in the summer.  I love the outdoors and I enjoy the peace of nature.




Just a few pics

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I love them.



